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I've started picking up a habit from other Americans in London; when asked where in America they're from, they reply "well, most recently...". Okay, I didnt ask for your address history, I dont need to know where you were born, where you lived when you were little, where you went to college and where you got your first job. And though it was odd-sounding when I first arrived, I have somehow managed to "chamellionize" the term and make it my own :) (as I often do). I find myself not wanting to give a simple, clean answer: Chicago. I feel compelled to give my address history - as if my hometown is insuffient information.

I found one of my research papers from undergrad last night. It was about the history of the Seeburg 1000 - the first background music device invented. The 1950's was the first time a store/company played melodies and happy tunes to customers. And the noise has never stopped. Its in malls, stores, elevators, restaurants, and most recently (there's that term again) our heads. Its been coined the 'ipod revolution.' I find myself desperately silent when I walk into a place with no music. Silence is the odd, unwelcome background sound of our age.