The democrats have reclaimed control of the Congress for the first time in 12 years. They have also reignited a new faith in American politics. Americans have been consistently losing respect from the rest of the world because we have sat back and watched the country be run into the ground with a federal deficit, a never-ending war and corporate scandal. The only questions left to bear are :
1. why has it taken us so long, and
2. since donald rumsfeld has finally stepped down, who is next?
which brings us to the rumsfeld situation. Donald Rumsfeld, the best professional politician of the 21st century and conniving mastermind of the war in Iraq and the fabricated WMDs, is no longer the Defense Secretary. Now I would like to know exactly what happened. The obvious answer is that the Republican party realized that Rumsfeld comes off as a pompous ass and the nation pretty much hates him. They requested he resign in order to save the party from losing power and restore faith in Republican image and judgement.
The second scenario and the one I am inclined to believe based on Rumsfeld's overall persona - they asked him to step down and he said 'kiss my ass'. the party didnt want to fire him and cause a scandal so they left it alone. rumsfeld, seeing the demise of the party and still remaining defiant, he made the decision to rebuff the party for asking him to resign by resigning only after the democrats took a majority. this explains bush's speech saying he would keep his officers until the end of his term just before rumsfeld resigned. it also explains the timing. just imagine. everyone sitting around in the white house, swearing under their breaths about the democrats, drinking brandy and smoking cigars with deep frowns. rumsfeld stand up and says - fuck this, i quit.
thats how i prefer to see it. it seems so unoriginal that he would be put out by the party.
on another election note: hello nancy pelosi. I think the country is really going to enjoy having such a vocal and surprisingly spicy (and female!) speaker of the house. I dont think Dennis Hastert had much a presence beyond blending in with the old, white, rich overwieght male politician persona. He never really did much, never said much and most people didnt really know him. But pelosi is coming in with a bang. Plus she's a democrat, not inclined to be mousey or even agreeable with a republican administration. i am interested to see how long she stays in the position and also what she does with the new post - as a democrat and also as the first woman.
And as for 2008, I am conflicted. Do I want Hillary, the NY democrat to be the first female president, or Obama, the IL (my hometown) democrat to be the first black president? I will have to do more research before 2008. I better get cracking.
We started the TV module in class yesterday and I have to say it is exaclty what I was hoping it would be. Our lecturer, David is amazing and very potent in terms of getting us into the 'journalist/correspondent' mindset. I think I'm really gonna enjoy it.