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Slow Torture

I have no idea what ppl got together one night and coordinated an attack on personal banking in London. It is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get a bank account here and come out with all your hair intact and having not caused a horrific scene at a branch involving, screaming, crying and the flinging of deposit slips over a roomful of scared bankers.

I went into HSBC bank 4 times before I could even APPLY for an account. The details of these visit will be left out b/c it is a long, depressing story of human incompetence. When I finally applied, I was told to go home b/c I would be mailed something that I would have to bring back in. I waited a week and brought in the mailed paperwork. To which I was told to go home again and wait for more mail. This time the mail never came. I was supposed to receive my debit card...but never did.

So I went to a branch in Richmond where a wonderful guy named Rob informed me that no such debit card was ever ordered and no account was opened. I explained, near tears, that Ihad deposited a check into the acoount b/c no place in all of London would cahs the damn thing (!) and now I couldnt withdraw any $$ b/c I didnt have a debit card!! He was wonderful and completed the job by ordering the card for me (and called me the next day to make sure I was ok :) ). Fast forward to a week later. No debit card. When I called they informed me that the card was ACCIDENTALLY sent to a virtual branch in Manchaster that did not exist...how the...?

So they cancelled the card and decided to reissue a new one to the nearest branch, which wont arrive for another week. THEN, the icing on the cake, I got a letter in the mail today telling me my debit card has arrived at my branch. Hooray!! Could it be? Of corse not. The card that arrived was the canceled card! The card that they sent to manchester made it to the branch by my house but they CANCELED it and now i have to wait another week. this is an evil conspiracy thought up by some disgruntled banker in a dark alley somewhere...

i only want this answered
am i really in a first world country?

I have asked that question many times. I've said there are some 3rd world countries that are easier to navigate than London...

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